Thursday, November 3, 2011

Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas

I'm leaving for Vegas in exactly 6 days!!!!! I have  been counting down from 135 days so six is soooooo close I can't stand it! I'm staying with Bear from the 9-12 my flight leaves Vegas at 1 am on the 13 :( I'm so super excited to get to see him! He's been in the field for almost 3 weeks now, he finally comes back tomorrow, and I cannot wait to just get to talk to him again. So much has happened!

On Halloween night I got my nose pierced! He doesn't know and hasn't seen it yet.

EEk I hope he likes it, I also dyed my hair back dark for the ball, the other color had faded waaaay too much to even look decent. But anywho I gotta get to Chemistry! 


  1. Very cute! Are you going to the ball with him, or just visiting? Either way, have tons of fun. Vegas sounds like such a good time!

  2. Thank you! I'm going with him :) I'm so excited!


Yay! I love reading what you have to say :)