This picture makes me happy because...I finally remembered to take it right before he left! Every time that I'd seen him when he was home on leave I meant to take a picture of him, us together, that kinda thing, but well...I forgot. I know, I'm a blonde. Then, literally when he was like well I gotta go, I remembered and was like STOP and let me take a picture, so he kinda turned and smiled a lil and I snapped it! Then...I dragged him over and took the top picture, I hate it because half of my eye is cut out by my glasses and I look like a cross eyed weirdo(I wear contacts, but that day was a little bit after I had spilled fingerpolish remover and it got in my eye so I was still healing!). But hey, at least I remembered right?
I think thats a cute picture of you two miss thing!