The giveaway is over! Thanks for all of the entries and the next one will start on July 10, I just don't know what the stipulations will be! :D
And the winner is.....
Staci!!! Congrats girl! I would have died... Send me an email with your information and I'll mail your giftcard to you!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Why Me Wednesday
So I've never participated in this one before but it looks like some fun!

Why do all of the creepy come through the drive through? NO you creepy old man I do not want to ride in your car with you!
Why do I always get mad at work?
Why oh Why did my little sister insist on waking me up in 30 minute intervals this morning until I finally got up?
Why is it taking me forever to start the carb diet??? Wait...maybe it's because it almost made me sick last time...haha oh
Why do I always end up sore when I wake up from what I thought was a good sleep???
Why do all of the creepy come through the drive through? NO you creepy old man I do not want to ride in your car with you!
Why do I always get mad at work?
Why oh Why did my little sister insist on waking me up in 30 minute intervals this morning until I finally got up?
Why is it taking me forever to start the carb diet??? Wait...maybe it's because it almost made me sick last time...haha oh
Why do I always end up sore when I wake up from what I thought was a good sleep???
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tuesday Tag-Along
Monday, June 28, 2010
Notice anything different about my blog? I'm in the process of changing a lot of stuff up, I got so tired of my sidebar being incredibly crowded! So tell me what you think and what not.
On a different note, I've seen a lot of interviews with military wives asking about their relationships and such and I was thinking of hosting something similar, but for girlfriends. Wives and girlfriends could tell their stories and maybe help out a few of the military girlfriends with problems they're having. Watcha think? Just leave me a comment with questions you want answered and if you wanna be interviewed feel free to email me at
Have a great day people! :)
On a different note, I've seen a lot of interviews with military wives asking about their relationships and such and I was thinking of hosting something similar, but for girlfriends. Wives and girlfriends could tell their stories and maybe help out a few of the military girlfriends with problems they're having. Watcha think? Just leave me a comment with questions you want answered and if you wanna be interviewed feel free to email me at
Have a great day people! :)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
7 months
Yesterday makes 7 months for me and my Marine. I can't believe it's been so long, yet so short. I didn't know it was possible to feel this way about somebody when I'm so dang young. I always used to make fun of teenagers who said "I love him SO much!" and now I am one of those teenagers. Granted I'm not two weeks into the relationship and I'm not But seriously, this guy is so good to me.
I get nervous I guess is the word sometimes, like I'm honestly afraid for him sometimes. He's such a good guy, he always talks to random people, and he makes friends like a freakin puppy. I just don't want him to make friends with the wrong people, and get hurt in the process. I'm not afraid for him being in the Marines, if anyone can handle it, he can, I'm afraid for him being himself. Does that make any sense? Like I'm afraid he's gonna get mixed up with the wrong people, AGAIN, and get hurt.
I really just want to put him by himself, he can go to training and all that, but he can just go to a room by himself? Well nevermind, he'd get sad because he's the type of person that NEEDS that human interaction or he gets all testy and it's not good.
He's always talking about how I worry too much but he had NO idea of the kinds of things I worry about...
I get nervous I guess is the word sometimes, like I'm honestly afraid for him sometimes. He's such a good guy, he always talks to random people, and he makes friends like a freakin puppy. I just don't want him to make friends with the wrong people, and get hurt in the process. I'm not afraid for him being in the Marines, if anyone can handle it, he can, I'm afraid for him being himself. Does that make any sense? Like I'm afraid he's gonna get mixed up with the wrong people, AGAIN, and get hurt.
I really just want to put him by himself, he can go to training and all that, but he can just go to a room by himself? Well nevermind, he'd get sad because he's the type of person that NEEDS that human interaction or he gets all testy and it's not good.
He's always talking about how I worry too much but he had NO idea of the kinds of things I worry about...
So Mrs. Gambizzle is having a giveaway for a whole blog makeover!!! How exciting is that??? If you haven't already you should check her out, she's awesome and her puppies are the cutest!! And I really wanna win, her designs are faboulous! She's done Nicoles at Flip Flops and Combat Boots and it's amazing so check her out!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Just a quick post!
Just a quick reminder, don't forget to enter My Giveaway it ends on the 30th! And if you don't wanna share an embarassing moment, tell somethin funny, we could all use a little laugh :)

"It is just one fry lady."
"It is just one fry lady."
Thursday, June 24, 2010
MW Week Question2

Here is your chance to leave something behind for the people you care about. What would you tell the people in your life?
Every fear, any advice, what do you want the people who you care about to know if the end of your time was today?
Every fear, any advice, what do you want the people who you care about to know if the end of your time was today?
Ya'll should do it!!! Brandi is hosting it, JOIN!! Lol pushy MJ is done now
Oh man this is a hard one. Hmm how about a list?
I really admire and look up to you. You are the strongest woman I know and I feel blessed to be your child. Like for real, some of the stuff you've been through would have killed a lesser person, literally. From a HORRIBLE child hood with alcoholic parents to a douche of a guy who got you pregnant when you were in the Marines, to now, you're my hero. Above everyone else. Just remember that I love you, and the magic word with our family is NO. There is no better mother than you.
I'm so glad that you and mom met when I was 2! You're the best dad that a girl could have, whether or not you're my *biological* dad. That doesn't matter. A father is the man who sticks around, not the one who leaves. Just remember that I'll always be your little girl.
Miss Brooke- My baby sister!! What more can I say? I was 7 when you were born, and you'll always be the baby. You're 10 now and I just realized that you come up to my shoulders, how sad is that? AND you're short for her age. 0.o I want you to remember to ALWAYS BE YOU. You don't have to be anyone that you don't want to be. Always believe in fairies and mermaids, I know that you'll find them someday. KEEP SINGING.
My Marine-
I would want you to know that...I LOVE YOU. Being with you is the hardest, most AGGRAVATING, most REWARDING decision I have ever made. Ever. I don't care that we argue a lot, if we didn't I would worry. You worry about me when I should be the one worrying about you, silly boy. You've made my life better, worse, got me in trouble, made me so happy I could burst, and have been my best friend. For the past almost 3 years you've been in my life, whether a central role or not, and I am blessed to have found you.
I would love to have been the one you wake up beside every morning before you leave for PT, I would even make the coffee, that you don't drink, but still. I would love to be the one to have hyper babies who break out of their cribs. Babies just like you. But I hope you find happiness with someone who deserves you, don't settle like I know you've done in the past. You don't have to have a girlfriend to be complete. You need a real love, and I hope you find one later on. Mandatory year and a half grieving period though :)
Don't forget me, I mean don't be super obesessed, but don't forget my randomness. Don't forget my clutsiness, okay forget that. Don't forget the way we were. We were awesome. Find somebody that makes you excited to be you. Don't be with someone who wants you to change. If she wants you out of the Marines tell her to fuck off, you're opinionated enough ;).
On the subject of the Marines. I hope you stick with it. I can tell that you really love it, and I know you get homesick, but you're fulfilling your lifelong dream. If you wanna reenlist don't listen to anybody but yourself. Be you. Don't ever change. Have a Good Summer, okay just kiddin, just seein if you're still listenin :)
I love you more than life and beyond.
It's okay, Gingers do have souls :) You're proof of that. You've been my best friend for YEARS. Don't party too hard okay? And trust me, you'll find somebody, you're awesome, how could you not? And you'll have little Ginger babies with him, yes your redheadedness is THAT overpowering. :) Have a good life, and surround yourself with people that will help you, not keep you out and get you in trouble. *Katy* I love ya kid
It's okay that you told Channing. I did tell you that I buried your phone number :) I was never really mad about that. You're an awesome friend and I hope that stuff with R works out. You deserve it, definitely. I love ya bud
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I Heart Your Blog

Jessikuh at Jessikuh Gave me the I heart your blog award! Thanks Jessikuh! :) So the rules are tell two things you heart and then give it to five blogs that you heart.
1. I heart babies. Like so many people can't stand them, but I can't get enough of babies! They're just too precious, and I think they're just adorable. It helps that they like me back, lol. One Mother's Day I was playing with one and it wouldn't go back to it's own mother...oops...but I digress. Babies and kids in general, I think that these little people are just so special, and I can't wait til I have some of my own. (Well I can, I mean I'm not gonna be on 17 and Pregnant, lol)
2. I heart animals (especially Clifford!)! They love you no matter what, and they are truly love in its truest form. No matter what you say or do animals are there for you no matter what. All they want in return is a little love and a rub now and then.
3. This one is really cliche but had to add it in. I heart my boyfriend! I think the part I love most about him is that he's not perfect. He makes mistakes, lies (for my benefit...?), he's OVERLY loud, eats too fast (damn USMC only givin em 15 min lol), gets tired all the time (again thanks USMC), and so many other things but then again I do the same things. We're perfectly unperfect together. Maybe that makes us perfect? :)
4. I heart my family. They may get on my nerves (you need a bf whos at home, you need to go out on dates, etc) but they have my best interests at heart and I love em.
5. I heart blogging...Like for real i love just typing out what I can't say out loud, and I love the comments and responses I get from it. I love the people I've met, truly amazing, strong women who I look to for guidance :)
Give it to 5 Blogs that I heart:
Brandi @Excess Baggage
Mr. Superman and Mrs. S @ The Adventures of Mr Superman and Mrs s
Mille @The Other Half of Semper Fi
Staci@ Rambling Military Wife
Sugar Doll Award

Thanks to K @ Beautiful Mess and Sarah @ Confessions of a Sailors Wife for the Sugar Doll award!! If you haven't checked out their blogs you totally should, they're awesome. The rules are to tell 10 things about yourself and then pass it on to ten blogs.
1. Believe it or not I'm actually kinda shy in person, I blush alot
2. I am the kind of girl that will worry over the most random things, and blow them out of proportion and then proceed to bore people with my worries lol
3. I have this weird fear/fascination with snakes. I'm terrified of them but I think they're interesting?
4. This is actually really hard lol
5. Sometimes I wonder how me and Mister are gonna make it and then I'll be talking to him and it'll all click into place and I remember...because we're both stubborn and crazy enough to make it work
6. I know that 17 and 19 is young, but I think it's how old you feel, not how old you are
7. I encourage young love, because it's usually the truest, purest form. Before it's been tainted with bitterness of past relationships. I mean, think back to your first love, how sweet was it?
8. I worry about Mister, alot, but I try not to let him know because it freaks him out
9. I keep having the weirdest dreams!!! Random homecomings in the middle of science class??
10. I can't wait until I'm out of college...I just wanna start my life!!!!!! And when me and Mister are older, I really want that part of my life NOW. But what can you do? lol
And the blogs I'm passing this on to:
Delainey Delainey
Mel Head in the Game Heart in the Sand
Kayla Sue In Every Good Love Letter There's a Soldier and His girl
Doc's Girl Noel Issued To a Soldier
Jessikuh Jessikuh
Mille The Other Half of Semper Fi
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
So the linky tool is now closed but I though I would participate :)
1. While at the beach, pool, etc..Do you cover up your assets or show them off?
Well since I always make fun of ho's, I'll have to say cover up a tad bit
2. Road trips or Plane trips?
Road trips! Some of my favorite memories are of being in a car/on a bus with my family and friends
3. I can't stand it when...?
People make noises as they eat...*lip smack*
4. Have you ever gone topless at the beach?
No. Nobody needs to see that.
5. How many blog carnivals do you do a week?
Lol whichever ones I find that I like
6. My favorite thing about the weekend is...?
Mister gets Libo :)
7. Pancakes or waffles?
8. Water Park or Amusement Park?
Amusement parks, because at a water park its all awkward with those little aneroxic girls in their little strings of fabric...its funny when your little sister asks why their butt is hanging out though...especially when you're right behind them :)
1. While at the beach, pool, etc..Do you cover up your assets or show them off?
Well since I always make fun of ho's, I'll have to say cover up a tad bit
2. Road trips or Plane trips?
Road trips! Some of my favorite memories are of being in a car/on a bus with my family and friends
3. I can't stand it when...?
People make noises as they eat...*lip smack*
4. Have you ever gone topless at the beach?
No. Nobody needs to see that.
5. How many blog carnivals do you do a week?
Lol whichever ones I find that I like
6. My favorite thing about the weekend is...?
Mister gets Libo :)
7. Pancakes or waffles?
8. Water Park or Amusement Park?
Amusement parks, because at a water park its all awkward with those little aneroxic girls in their little strings of fabric...its funny when your little sister asks why their butt is hanging out though...especially when you're right behind them :)
Tuesday Tag-Along
Welcome to my blog! This is my 2nd Tuesday Tag-Along, and I love doing them! Be sure that you enter my giveaway! It's just tell a funny, embarassing moment that you would be comfortable sharing, and I'll randomly pick a winner on June 30th and the winner will receive a $25 McDonalds giftcard. Caramel Frappe anyone?
So what is my blog about? It's about my day to day life really, what is any blog about? It's also about my life with my boyfriend, who's a US Marine who's stationed half a continent away, and how we handle it. I'm blunt, I share alot, and I have my own opinions. So sit back and get to know me, you'll be glad you did :)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Day 18 Whatever Tickles my Fancy- 30 Day Shred!
I got proactive, I've been to 3 different places looking for the 30 day shred book, and I can't find it!!! Do any of ya'll know where I can find it at?? *And any other diet tricks, tips, would be wonderful! :)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day
So my Father's Day has consisted of working from 8-4 and it has sucked. We were busy literally ALL DAY. Ugh lol. And, on top of that my family went to Outback while I was at work, at 3pm and so I was like well i"m just gonna come on home then, and stopped to get Dad some Salmon from Food City for his present. He likes it, and mom refuses to buy it, lol she DESPISES fish. So he'll eat that later on I guess.
Wow this post was really really boring. :(
Wow this post was really really boring. :(
Day 17 An Art Piece
So I'm gonna skip this one...I honestly am not that into art and I don't feel like looking this one
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Explanation of Man Ho ishness
Okay to explain his man ho-ish ness ( i just love that phrase...Lol).
So we're sitting there just talking, nothing wird, just ormal conversations mmk?
Mister: I slept around alot before we got back together.
Me: Uhm what? So you were a man ho? Nice to know
Mister: I wasn't a man ho, don't judge me.
Me: I'm not judging...*screaming inside omg omg omg*
Mister: Yes you are. I don't know why you're judging me.
Me: I don't judge unless I wanna be judged...
Mister: Ok.
Me: Ok then.
End of that part. How effin random?????
Rambling Military Wife's giveaway
IS AWESOME!!! Check her out, and check out her giveaway, I wanna win SOOO bad!!!
Day 16 A song that makes me cry, or nearly
Okay, I have two, one is on the plalist on my sidebar, just hit the next button til you get to it, and the other you can look up at or My first is "I'm Already There" by Lonestar, depending on the mood I'm in it reminds me of my Papaw or my Marine. How does it remind me of my Papaw you ask? *see page entitled my Papaw* He was very important to me and almost 7 years later it's still VERY hard for me to believe that he's gone.
My second song is "Holes in the Floor of Heaven" by Steve Wariner. That song is BEAUTIFUL. I listen to it and I'll cry, and smile because I just think of Papaw and Grannar and Grandma and I remember the times I had with them and it makes me nostalgic I guess is the word. They were some amazing people and that song just breaks me down.
My second song is "Holes in the Floor of Heaven" by Steve Wariner. That song is BEAUTIFUL. I listen to it and I'll cry, and smile because I just think of Papaw and Grannar and Grandma and I remember the times I had with them and it makes me nostalgic I guess is the word. They were some amazing people and that song just breaks me down.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Day 15 A FanFic
What's a fan fic? If you'll link me to one then well that's my fan fic! Lol, but seriously, what is it??
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Day 14 A Non-Fictional Book
Please don't kill me for posting 3 times today!! :)
Hmm this one was really difficult, I just couldn't decide, but I'm gonna have to go with The Diary of Anne Frank. I've always been intersted in WW2 and the Holocaust and this book just captures me everytime I read it.
Hmm this one was really difficult, I just couldn't decide, but I'm gonna have to go with The Diary of Anne Frank. I've always been intersted in WW2 and the Holocaust and this book just captures me everytime I read it.
Mortality Week Question 1:
One week left to live, where would you go?
You can chose to have an unlimited amount of money, or you can chose to abide by how much is in your account at the moment.
I would probably stay home to be honest. My family, friends, everyone is right here. Why would I need to leave? Well, one person is missing. But if I have only a week left to live I would hope that he would be able to come home to see me?
I would go camping with my parents and sister for a few days, then come home and have a huge sleepover with friends (so 3rd grade right?)
Although if Mister were there it would go differently...he'd be there for everything of course. I would want to spend time with the ladies I've met on here who live close by, just to say hey lol.
What would ya'll do?
You can chose to have an unlimited amount of money, or you can chose to abide by how much is in your account at the moment.
I would probably stay home to be honest. My family, friends, everyone is right here. Why would I need to leave? Well, one person is missing. But if I have only a week left to live I would hope that he would be able to come home to see me?
I would go camping with my parents and sister for a few days, then come home and have a huge sleepover with friends (so 3rd grade right?)
Although if Mister were there it would go differently...he'd be there for everything of course. I would want to spend time with the ladies I've met on here who live close by, just to say hey lol.
What would ya'll do?
I won!!
I won the giveaway for the Dear John DVD from Brandi at
Yay!! Thanks so much Brandi!
So Matt called last night. There's a chance that he could get sent to Afghanistan to replace a battery that's over there already. He also told me he was a man ho. Fantastic right?
Yay!! Thanks so much Brandi!
So Matt called last night. There's a chance that he could get sent to Afghanistan to replace a battery that's over there already. He also told me he was a man ho. Fantastic right?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My First Give Away!
So now that I've reached 50 followers I figured why not do a give away? So the rules for my giveaway:
Leave me a comment link to a blogpost describing the most embarassing thing that's ever happened to you (that you would be comfortable sharing with others of course!) And in two weeks after I've read everyones stories I'll announce a winner!
The prize will be a $25 McDonalds giftcard (I work there, so I figure why not?)
I look forward to hearing your stories, and this will become a montly thing, with a new contest every month. I hope ya'll enter :)
Leave me a comment link to a blogpost describing the most embarassing thing that's ever happened to you (that you would be comfortable sharing with others of course!) And in two weeks after I've read everyones stories I'll announce a winner!
The prize will be a $25 McDonalds giftcard (I work there, so I figure why not?)
I look forward to hearing your stories, and this will become a montly thing, with a new contest every month. I hope ya'll enter :)
Day 13 A Fictional Book(s)

These are my new obsession. End of story, these books are really good, suprisingly. I was really doubting their quality, but they're not too awful bad!
The ones on top of the Circque Du Freak books are really good, they're the Stephanie Plum novels, adn they are some of my all time favorites, like could read over and over again. I highly reccomend eithero one of these book series!Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Day 12 Whatever Tickles My Fancy
Oh dang I'm so behind on this! I should be on Day 20 by now!! Oh well, at least I picked it back up. So I've been wanting to dye my hair again, it was medium auburn, but that faded really fast and now my roots are growing in. So I don't know what to do!! I don't know what color to go to next or anything. I'm thinking something close to my natural color, which is light to medium brown, but that hardly ever works out for some people so I just don't know.
Anywhoosles I still haven't talked to Mister but I sent him a letter Wednesday, and I'm hoping for a reply sometime soon. It took the last letter I sent 4 days, and I mailed it on a Sunday so maybe 3? Idk I'm clueless about that stuff. Clueless about care packages too, but I'm doin my best to get one together :) Does somebody that's not deployed need a care package? Regardless, I'm sendin one :) That's right, I'm a rebel! Lol jk that was dorky
Anywhoosles I still haven't talked to Mister but I sent him a letter Wednesday, and I'm hoping for a reply sometime soon. It took the last letter I sent 4 days, and I mailed it on a Sunday so maybe 3? Idk I'm clueless about that stuff. Clueless about care packages too, but I'm doin my best to get one together :) Does somebody that's not deployed need a care package? Regardless, I'm sendin one :) That's right, I'm a rebel! Lol jk that was dorky
Tuesday Tag-Along
Monday, June 14, 2010
Camping trip review one word it was HOT. We left to come home today, and man I swear it was 80 when we woke up at 9 this morning! But it was fun, the people dad invited from work were funny, and one of em brought a girl up, so that was interesting! We asked if she was his gf and he got all uncomfy and was like And we were like Riiiiight...And he walked away and got another beer, lol. We stayed up there from Thursday til today, we were supposed to leave Sunday but then decided to stay an extra night, so we did.
I was the only one who didn't get sunburnt!! SCORE!! I ususally get so bad burnt on my back and shoulders, and this time I didn't!
I left Friday afternoon to take the ACT on Saturday, and went back up on Saturday afternoon with Ashley, first time she rode with me! I was nervous, but excited, the only other ppl who have ridden with me are parents so that was an experience! She stayed til Sunday and her parents came to get her. So it was just family last night since everybody else left Sunday too. It was nice, we spent time together for the first time in a while.
Well that's all I can think to say!
I was the only one who didn't get sunburnt!! SCORE!! I ususally get so bad burnt on my back and shoulders, and this time I didn't!
I left Friday afternoon to take the ACT on Saturday, and went back up on Saturday afternoon with Ashley, first time she rode with me! I was nervous, but excited, the only other ppl who have ridden with me are parents so that was an experience! She stayed til Sunday and her parents came to get her. So it was just family last night since everybody else left Sunday too. It was nice, we spent time together for the first time in a while.
Well that's all I can think to say!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Why me? Really, and truly, I'm a good person, most of the time. I don't drink underaged without parent permission, I don't cheat on my boyfriend, I help those less fortunate than I. So I ask again, why me? Please just send him back to me in at least 1 piece. Please let him be the same inside as he was when he left, don't damage him too awful much. I'd have to be pretty pissed.
I WANT MY BOYFRIEND BACK!!!!! That is all :)
I WANT MY BOYFRIEND BACK!!!!! That is all :)
I'm baaaack
Well it feels weird to post after so long!! I'm at my Nana's, thanking God because 15 13 year olds just left. I wanna shoot myself, lol. My hands are not hand colored anymore!! We did tie dye. And I was gone most of the time and got the leftover dye :( Story of my life right?? I'm only here for tonight though, got the ACT tomorrow, then heading back up to the lake with the redhead Ashley in tow, we're gonna finish camping and come home on Sunday. Ya'll should check out a few of my fav senior pics!!!
I need to redye my hair, any suggestions?
I need to redye my hair, any suggestions?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
I've been a bad blogger...
How? I haven't actually personally blogged in a while...honestly I don't know what to say. I haven't talked to Mister in 2 weeks, tomorrow makes 2 weeks. Frankly, idk how I feel about this...besides freakin out its like I've become numb, like I care but at a distance. I feel like it has something to do with what I said to him, but then again, his Mama hasn't talked to him either so idk? I just really miss him right now, with so much going on that I can't blog about, just hearing his opinion on everything would be the best thing in the world.
I have so much to say to him all of the time, and I know that the next time I talk to him it's all going to fly out of my head and I'm just going to be so happy to talk to him that nothing else will matter.
I have been a HORRIBLE person lately and I think I need to just take some time and think about everything so texting is probably going to be down to a minimum over the next week or so, unless its him.
I feel kinda bad because the first few days we weren't talking I was blowing up his phone with texts...he's gonna get em and be like MJ wtf...but oh well because...idk what the point of this paragraph was anymore LOL I think I'm going crazy...
I can't wait til he gets leave. Some girls miss sex and all that(kinda hard for me to miss somethin I've never had LOL), but I just miss being with him, sittin beside him watchin tv and laughin at what he says and how he acts. I miss how he would reach over and just grab my hand and hold on tight, like he was drowining and I was a lifeline. When we went to see New Moon I miss how he would just be some at ease with me that he would not think twice if he was tired after doin PT for 4 hours and just fall asleep against my shoulder... Now I recognize the desperation in all of the glances, touches, words, everything that happened when he was home. I realize why he was so serious about everything. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I said yes to my Marine...
I have so much to say to him all of the time, and I know that the next time I talk to him it's all going to fly out of my head and I'm just going to be so happy to talk to him that nothing else will matter.
I have been a HORRIBLE person lately and I think I need to just take some time and think about everything so texting is probably going to be down to a minimum over the next week or so, unless its him.
I feel kinda bad because the first few days we weren't talking I was blowing up his phone with texts...he's gonna get em and be like MJ wtf...but oh well because...idk what the point of this paragraph was anymore LOL I think I'm going crazy...
I can't wait til he gets leave. Some girls miss sex and all that(kinda hard for me to miss somethin I've never had LOL), but I just miss being with him, sittin beside him watchin tv and laughin at what he says and how he acts. I miss how he would reach over and just grab my hand and hold on tight, like he was drowining and I was a lifeline. When we went to see New Moon I miss how he would just be some at ease with me that he would not think twice if he was tired after doin PT for 4 hours and just fall asleep against my shoulder... Now I recognize the desperation in all of the glances, touches, words, everything that happened when he was home. I realize why he was so serious about everything. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I said yes to my Marine...
Day 10 A Photo of Me Taken Over 10 Years Ago
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I Want It Wednesday
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Day 7 A Photo That Makes Me Happy

This picture makes me happy because...I finally remembered to take it right before he left! Every time that I'd seen him when he was home on leave I meant to take a picture of him, us together, that kinda thing, but well...I forgot. I know, I'm a blonde. Then, literally when he was like well I gotta go, I remembered and was like STOP and let me take a picture, so he kinda turned and smiled a lil and I snapped it! Then...I dragged him over and took the top picture, I hate it because half of my eye is cut out by my glasses and I look like a cross eyed weirdo(I wear contacts, but that day was a little bit after I had spilled fingerpolish remover and it got in my eye so I was still healing!). But hey, at least I remembered right?
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