Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Very First Award!!!!

So Shayla over at Sunshine and Sprinkles gave me an award today! Thanks girlie!! :) Okay, now I tell 7 things about myself and then pass it on:

1) Today is mine and my Marine's 6 month anniversary

2) I'm actually really shy in person and blush alot

3) I would be completely content to be just a homebody housewife when I get married, I don't feel the need to have a large career if I have a family, it's not a must have for me.

4) I just drove in the rain for the very first time today!! Yay me!!

6) I used to be hardcore wanna join the Marines, but then got back with Matt and decided one in the family was enough, and didn't wanna seem like I was just doin it for him.

7) I care WAY too much about what other people think of in a bad way will change my behaviors because of it.

And my friends to send this to: ( I don't really know how to do the link thing with the name so it'll be url form :) )

Jessikuh @

Mille @

Just a Girl @

So thanks Shayla!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! Im glad you saw it LOL

    I love the things you wrote-happy 6 months!!!! How fun is that to say?? hehe :)

    Congrats to driving in the rain ( I HATE that, so serious props for you!!!)

    being a stay at home mom is an awesome idea- I hope that works out for you girl :)


Yay! I love reading what you have to say :)